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1.  Read the orientation:
1.  Read the orientation:
<a href="https://pickapicture.org/index.php?title=Orientation">https://pickapicture.org/index.php?title=Orientation</a>
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3.  Practice using Miro so you'll be able to use it for the session [either on your own or come 15 minutes early to our session]:
3.  Practice using Miro so you'll be able to use it for the session [either on your own or come 15 minutes early to our session]:
<a href="https://pickapicture.org/index.php?title=Practice_using_Miro">https://pickapicture.org/index.php?title=Practice_using_Miro</a>

Revision as of 09:18, 16 February 2022

Guide to sending the email

Square brackets are used in the email below to indicate the parts of the email that will need to be filled in with the appropriate information by the person organizing the pick a picture session.  

You will need to assign participants to regions of the board where they will be collecting the pictures they select.  I've named them Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Florida, North, South, East, and West.  These regions are right outside the edge of where the pictures are, to the NW, SW, NE, SE, N, S, E, W of where the pictures are, respectively. They each have a corresponding backup email address that goes with them in case the link to your board doesn't automatically take them straight to your board and they need to log in.  No matter which email address is used to log in with, the password is the same for all of them:  4corners4sides  The email addresses are listed in the appropriate place in the email below. For each participant, you'll need to specify a different email address.  It's probably simplest to let people know what their designated region is at the start of the session (rather than in the email).  If anyone has logged in with a backup email address, which region is theirs will be obvious.  (Besides that you won't necessarily need to go with which email address each person was given.) 

I've included something that tells participants that they can come 15 minutes early to a session instead of practicing using Miro on their own to prepare for the session.  If you don't want to help people with this for the 15 minutes before your session, then you need to take this part out of the email:  [either on your own or come 15 minutes early to our session] 

The email

Hi [Participant's name],

Here's what you need to know for your upcoming Pick a Picture session.

How we will be talking to each other

[Provide instructions for how to connect. This could be Zoom or some other way of video chatting. Or, one option is to use 3-way calling on telephones, which on some phones can allow up to 6 people to talk to each other.]

How to get on to the Miro board

Here is the link for the Miro board for your Pick a Picture session:
[Provide the link here.]

Using this link will usually take you straight to the board. So, you won't need to log in.

(In the unlikely event that you're taken to a login page, here are the login credentials you should use to login. Email address: [CHOOSE ONLY ONE OF THESE EMAIL ADDRESSES TO GO HERE, CHOOSE A DIFFERENT ONE FOR EACH PARTICIPANT alaska@pickapicture.org, hawaii@pickapicture.org, maine@pickapicture.org, florida@pickapicture.org, northernarea@umich.edu, southernarea@umich.edu, easternarea@umich.edu] Password: 4corners4sides)

How to prepare for the session

1. Read the orientation:

2.  Be prepared to use a computer for the session.  It's recommended that you use Miro in a web browser, either Chrome version 1.8614.0 or higher or Firefox.  Note that, at this point with Miro, you can't use a mobile device (phone, iPad/tablet) to participate in a Pick a Picture session.  

3.  Practice using Miro so you'll be able to use it for the session [either on your own or come 15 minutes early to our session]:

Looking forward!
[Facilitator's name]