
From Pick a Picture
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In our time together, we will do at least two rounds. During each round, everyone will spend time together looking through images individually and selecting ones that they feel drawn to. (During some rounds, this could be followed by a time of engaging in a creative process.) Then, we will share some or all of the images we've selected and talk about them. We will engage in this process of selecting and sharing more than once. Each time we will have a prompt of something you can be thinking of to guide what images to choose for that round. For example, images that speak to some aspect of _______( a current situation / a relationship / growth / love / work / caregiving / parenting ) that is alive for you is an example of a prompt that could be explored.


For each round, a prompt may be provided. You are invited to use the suggested prompt to guide which images you select for this round. Whatever the prompt is, we invite you to hold it lightly. The prompt is not a precise instruction to follow with a specific intention. The prompt just provides a suggested direction to head in, and if that leads you to a direction that holds more interest for you, that's great, too. Take it where you are drawn to go.

A default prompt you can always go with instead of the suggested prompt is to just see what images you are drawn to selecting, even if you don't know why you are drawn to them.

Examples of prompts:

  • Select images that speak to something that you'd like to envision for yourself in the future
  • Select images that make your nervous system say ahh
  • Select images that remind you of someone important to you
  • Select images that speak to where you are headed
  • Select images that connect with how you feel, or how you would like to feel
  • Select images that speak to something you're grappling with
  • Select images that speak to some aspect of parenting that is alive for you
  • Select images that speak to what you want more of in your life

Upholding how someone experiences a picture

Something that Pick a Picture drives home to me is that we each can see a picture in so many different ways. Each person can see something different from another person, and the same person can see something different at different points in time. This is something that makes the Pick a Picture experience very rich and interesting to me. Given that there are multiple ways of seeing a picture, we want to take care when a sharer is sharing a picture with the group. We want to uphold the sharer's experience of the picture, and go with them to where they want to take us as they share. For example, when someone was talking about a picture of one seal lying against another seal, someone else said that it wasn't another seal, it was a rock. It doesn't matter what people would generally agree upon seeing in the picture. If the sharer sees another seal, then it's another seal.

(This doesn't mean that another person can't take a turn with the picture if they feel moved to talk about a different way of experiencing it that is meaningful to them. If they want to do so, they can become the sharer of the picture after the original sharer feels complete, and take their own turn with the picture.)

To do beforehand to get prepared for a session (or come 15 minutes early to the session and we can do this together)

  • Drag a picture to a different location - Select and hold while you move your cursor to drag a picture. See if you can drag a picture to a different location. Then, drag it back to its original location.
  • Note that pictures may disappear (and perhaps see if this happens to you and see if you can get them to reappear) - One very unfortunate thing that is currently true about Miro is that not all of the pictures will alway be showing. As you zoom in and out and navigate around the board, some of the pictures will disappear. Zooming in and out can help them to reappear.
    • This is a known bug for the Miro team. They are working on fixing it. In the meantime, here are their suggestions:
      • Close all unused tabs with Miro boards in your browser;
      • Open your browser settings and disable hardware acceleration (for convenience, please see third-party instruction: how to enable or disable hardware acceleration in a browser for a walkthrough on how to do this);
      • Refresh the active tab with the Miro board in your browser;
      • Make sure you are using Chrome version 1.8614.0 or higher.
      • Some users also reported that the issue appeared less in the Firefox browser, so you may try that as well.